Kdoc kotlin. * Properly handles the case when the sum doesn't fit .
Kdoc kotlin 1: 1892: March 12, 2017 How can I publish a javadoc. * Properly handles the case when the sum doesn't fit That’s where KDoc comes in Kotlin’s powerful documentation tool. jar file. 1. asked Feb 7, 2019 at 10:42. com. 与JavaDoc类似,KDoc注释以/**开始并以 */结束。注释的每一行可以以一个星号开头,星号不会作为注释的一部分。 Kotlin. Is that still the same thing with Kotlin and KDoc? I've looked through some of the Kotlin source and can't find where their package documentation is written. Follow edited Mar 20, 2019 at 20:34. Just like Kotlin itself, Dokka fully supports mixed-language Java Here is KDoc, a language for writing documents for Kotlin code !!! Similar to JavaDoc you the main format for KDoc is : starting with /** and end with */. Jayson Minard. 0. Therefore, "KDoc comments" is the correct term to use. 448. Linking to Elements. ycomp ycomp. In essence, KDoc combines Javadoc's syntax for block tags (extended to support Kotlin's specific constructs) and Markdown for inline markup. jar file which users can attach in their IDE to see the docs. 2. Next, we’ll look at the principal input and output formats and the most important customizations available. Well, actually, hyperlinks and @see tags are two separate matters in KDoc, meaning that @see is only limited to API references: /** * @see [Object. Runtime exceptions should be documented in KDoc. I don't know how to watch the generated kdoc in my Browser. Every supported API entry point should be documented using KDoc. /** * Creates an [Iterator] for an Now we want to do the same thing for our Kotlin data classes. I added dokka as dependency in my Projects build. No other subclasses may appear outside the module and package within which the sealed class is defined. Just like Kotlin itself, Dokka supports mixed-language projects (Kotlin/Java). Follow edited Feb 23, 2016 at 16:07. in a single file, it makes sense to document the file as a whole. The files to be suppressed when generating documentation. A Kotlin cheat sheet is a quick reference guide that provides a concise summary of the most important Kotlin syntax and features. If you are using Dokka in a precompiled script plugin, you need to add Kotlin documentation (KDoc) guidelines. for inherited methods). 1,869; asked Dec 30, 2019 at 16:39. This tool reflows comments in KDoc; either on a file or recursively over nested folders, as well as an IntelliJ IDE plugin where There might be KDoc documentation (the equivalent of Java’s Javadoc) for the Rectangle class which details the unit measurement as millimetres. Examples in the documentation omit those modifiers for brevity. KDoc comments start with the /** and end with */. Documenting Class Properties in Kotlin. Java and OpenJDK are trademarks or registered You can follow the same Javadoc syntax for Kotlin Doc also. Now let’s get into the action and start KDoc-er - A Kotlin Doc Creator. Introducing A simple and lightweight KDoc generator. A list of directories or files that contain sample functions which are referenced via the @sample KDoc tag. Featured on Meta bigbird and Frog have joined us as Community Managers 为 Kotlin 代码编写文档: KDoc. Here are KDoc example What is Dokka? Dokka is a documentation engine for Kotlin, performing the same function as the Javadoc tool for Java. 6 Just like Kotlin itself, Dokka fully supports mixed-language Java/Kotlin projects. gradle. The same logic applies to sealed interfaces Unlike Java, Kotlin library authors don't have the ability to share a jar file with documentation. Contents. */ fun printSum(a: Int, b: Int) = println(a Elevate your Kotlin coding experience with KDocify, the intuitive documentation generator crafted with inspiration from Javadoc. This ensures compatibility with both standard Kotlin projects as well as projects using explicit API mode. dokka:dokka-android-gradle-plugin:0. asked Feb 23, 2016 at 16:02. In its essence, KDoc combines JavaDoc's syntax for block tags (extended to support Kotlin's specific constructs) and Markdown for inline markup. The KDoc documentation format lets you use inline markup using Markdown in your documentation comments. */ public class Person { /** * First name. Mahozad KDoc extends Markdown linking syntax, allowing you to reference properties, functions, and similar named things by using simple bracket syntax: /** * This is the summary of your Kotlin class. Kotlin documentation (KDoc) guidelines. Reformats Kotlin KDoc comments, reflowing text and other cleanup, both via IDE plugin and command line utility. Support. Dokka can generate documentation in multiple formats, including its own modern HTML format, multiple flavors of Markdown, and Java's Javadoc HTML. Basic KDoc Comments. To link to Dokka is a documentation engine for Kotlin, performing the same function as the Javadoc tool for Java. This plugin streamlines the process of generating KDoc (Kotlin documentation) for your code by allowing you to select a code source and insert Dokka is a documentation engine for Kotlin that generates API documentation in various formats, including HTML, PDF, and Markdown. 10. By using KDoc, developers can create self-documented code that is more maintainable and less prone to errors. Introduction. * Properly handles the case when the sum doesn't fit in 32-bit integer. 2-5) differs from the one bundled into the IDE plugin (1. So, just as JavaDoc comments start with /** and end with */, so too do KDoc comments: /** * This is the summary of your Kotlin class. Most of the content in this cheat sheet has been collected from the official Kotlin documentation while avoiding detailed Using KDoc to document group of variables 6 How to add a KDoc comment for the receiver of a Kotlin extension function (first parameter in Java, `this` in Kotlin) See Configuration examples if you are not sure where to apply Dokka. The Catch In Javadoc this works by using {@value PARAM} but there seems to be nothing similar in KDoc. It should explain, in a single * paragraph, the role of this class in your project. Is there a way to add a piece of top level KDoc for a Kotlin file? Since Kotlin supports multiple variables, functions, classes, etc. 13" } Kotlin KDoc documentation is a powerful tool for providing detailed explanations and examples directly in the code. 4: 5943: March 19, 2021 What's the situation with . 207. 8,583 19 19 gold badges 64 64 silver badges 101 101 bronze badges. You will get a short description like: How to use @link and @code in kotlin kDoc. 3. You can check the KDoc syntax here. Whether to generate links to the Kotlin standard library. The IDE can now automatically insert qualified names in KDoc links. Featured on Meta bigbird and Frog have joined us as Community Managers Once Dokka is set up we can now start documenting using kdoc. Static extension methods in Kotlin. sourceLinks. Kotlin's documentation engine: Dokka, understands KDoc and can be used to generate Kotlin has several options for defining such interfaces, each with a slight difference. In Kotlin 2. 28. And this plugin helps to generate smart KDoc for your project. And I want that java users and kotlin users have the same experience. How to add formatting such as bold, italic, Dokka supports documentation of both java and Kotlin. Under the hood, Dokka uses the Kotlin Gradle plugin to perform autoconfiguration of source sets for which documentation is to be generated. The reason is that we found that referring to parameter names from the documentation text allows to write documentation that is more concise and easier to read compared to the traditional javadoc style where every parameter is documented in a separate KDoc-er Introducing A simple and lightweight KDoc generator. In essence, KDoc combines Javadoc's syntax In this article, we’ve given an overview of the KDoc format for documenting Kotlin code. jetbrains. K2 mode now How to use @link and @code in kotlin kDoc. Dokka supports multiple output formats, including plain HTML, Javadoc-style HTML (using the Java syntax for all declarations and showing how the So I have this group of constants in a companion object: /** * Lists that can be associated to various media elements */ const val MEDIA_NAME = "Media_name" This plugin lets you reformat KDoc text -- meaning that it will reformat the text and flow the text up to the line width, collapsing comments that fit on a single line, indenting text within a block tag, etc. It uses JavaDoc’s syntax and adds support for Kotlin-specific All Kotlin declarations generated by the cinterop tool from Objective-C libraries should have the @ExperimentalForeignApi annotation. Another option is to use @param in the class KDoc: /** * Class A does something using [param]. Support for Kotlin file, Class, function, extension function, and receivers; Generate KDoc for all elements in a file; Generate KDoc for a single element; Remove KDoc for all elements in a file; Remove KDoc for a single elements; Type /** and tap enter, and the plugin will create KDoc for the particular element; Simple access from Generate menu. Kotlin's documentation generation tool is called Dokka. Kdoc syntax is basically the same as Javadoc comments start with /** and end with */ In this sample, we will see how to document using Kdoc by leveraging some of the supported Block tags by Kdoc and normal documenting syntax /** */ Kdoc Block tags As described here, KDoc is the language used to write Kotlin documentation comments. 22 votes. 86k 39 39 gold badges 195 195 silver badges 233 233 bronze badges. How does the reified keyword in Kotlin work? 420. The sample function contains all the code you want to show. Implement dependencies in project-level build. The Overflow Blog Our next phase—Q&A was just the beginning “Translation is the tip of the iceberg”: A deep dive into specialty models. How to implement 1. layout. 0. Since the Kotlin documentation generation tool puts the documentation for all overloads of a function on the same page, identifying a specific overloaded function is not required for the link to work. Where shall I put Javadoc analogy for attributes in KDoc in Kotlin data class? In other words, how to write in Kotlin KDoc the following Java code Javadoc: /** * Represents a person. It understands KDoc comments in Kotlin source files as well as Javadoc comments in Java files, and can generate documentation in multiple formats I found the page Documenting Kotlin Code in the official Kotlin Reference. However, Documenting Kotlin Code - Kotlin Programming Language seems not to have any instructions on this. Content and code samples on this page are subject to the licenses described in the Content License. activity_main * */ or link with the description in the same line will be like this Extremely slow KDoc generation in mixed Java/Kotlin maven project. Below you can find simple instructions to help you get started with Dokka. 6. I downloaded KDoc-er, but you can choose any of them. In KDoc we can use tags, a tag formula is You use @sample <identifier> in the ktdoc block. The language used to document Kotlin code (the equivalent of Java's JavaDoc) is called KDoc. in/issue. It wasn’t immediately clear exactly how to use it in kotlin source link in the document comment will add like this /** * text description * @see R. Duplicate class in Kotlin Android. Where to put documentation for a Kotlin file (not package, not module, not class) 25. On a forum somewhere I saw a comment (don’t know if it was from a contributor or not) that the inheritDoc statement on many methods is superfluous and adds You can access the constants in an enum class in a generic way using the enumValues<T>() and enumValueOf<T>() functions. For detailed information on This article outlines how to document kotlin and Android code by leveraging Kdoc and Dokka for code documentation. Just like Kotlin itself, Dokka fully Learn how to use KDoc to document your Kotlin code and generate beautiful-looking documentation pages using Dokka. It outputs the document generated in HTML, GitHub Flavored Markdown, or Javadoc format. If you’re coming from a Java background and have used JavaDoc before, you’ll feel right at home with KDoc. Mastering KDoc and leveraging Dokka’s power enables you to create top-notch documentation for your Kotlin projects. Dmitry Ryadnenko Dmitry Ryadnenko. noStdlibLink. Dokka is a tool that understands KDoc comments in Kotlin files and Javadoc comments in Java files, and generates documentation from them. You can now set the Kotlin/Native compiler to export the documentation comments (KDoc) from Kotlin code to the Objective-C frameworks generated from it, making them visible to the frameworks' consumers. JavaDocやKdocの記述方法はネットでよく出てくるが、Kdocの導入部分についてはあまり情報が無かったので備忘録として残す。 Kdocとは. 7. -- where to place this documentation in Kotlin? KDoc is the documentation format for Kotlin, similar to Javadoc for Java. Just like Kotlin itself, Dokka supports mixed-language projects. 0, the enumEntries<T>() function is introduced as a replacement for the enumValues<T>() function. 9. The new dokka Task runs without Errors. Once again, Kotlin uses Java’s approach and extends it. Follow edited Sep 6, 2022 at 8:50. 为 Kotlin 代码编写文档使用的语言 (相当于 Java 中的 Javadoc) 称为 KDoc. Combine a Room DAO Flow with manual network requests into one flow. Be mindful of the APIs a function delegates to as they may throw checked exceptions which Kotlin otherwise silently allows to KDoc - Documenting Kotlin Code; 多人数で使用するライブラリを作成する場合は API ドキュメントを用意するのは必須です。 一人で開発する場合でも、API の仕様を明確にして実装する癖をつけることで、自然にきれいな設計を行う力が身に付きます While dependencies issues and the AAR file itself are fine and I can use the library, I've noticed I can't find a way to offer what I wrote there as KDoc (like JavaDocs, but for Kotlin) to whoever uses it. 0’ apply false} 2. I'm developing for Android with Kotlin and added dokka as dependency in gradle. Kotlin: Documentation for property setter. 22. KDoc is a language used to document the Kotlin codes. 1. In the first part of the article, we’ll see how to include Dokka in our Gradle or Kotlin project. I am new to Kotlin, coming from Java, and have previously only been using JavaDoc, where we used <i> and <b> HTML tags to highlight parts in the documentation. Dmitry Ryadnenko. In Android Studio open Settings (press Ctrl+Alt+S), select Plugins and find kdoc. In Kotlin, the idiomatic way to manage resources that implement the AutoClosable interface, such as file streams like FileInputStream or FileOutputStream, is to use the . kotlin; kdoc; Shreck Ye. They have to share documentation along with their sources. For example, the following Kotlin code with KDoc: /** * Prints the sum of the arguments. Nếu bạn đã tìm hiểu qua Kotlin , bạn sẽ tìm thấy vô số cách mà Kotlin đã giải quyết nhiều điểm yếu của Java và các tính năng tuyệt vời của Kotlin làm cho việc phát triển Android trở nên thú vị hơn. KDoc is used to generate documentation for Kotlin classes, functions, and properties. Gradle 4. So I've tried to create a table using Markdown syntax: KDoc语法. What I've tried. Dokka is an API documentation engine for Kotlin. com/api-guidelines#docs should still be followed, this guide contains extra guidelines specifically for Kotlin documentation. Reading up on the docs of KDoc where it says: For inline markup, KDoc uses the regular Markdown syntax, extended to support a shorthand syntax for linking to other elements in the code. kdoc; kotlin-dokka; Share. 1 EAP 4 introduces a long-awaited quick-fix to simplify writing KDoc. It understands Kotlin's KDoc comments and Java's Javadoc comments. The language used to document Kotlin code (the equivalent of Java's Javadoc) is called KDoc. Just found this answer: Note that KDoc does not have any syntax for resolving overloaded members in links. toString] */ class C Hyperlinks per se use the regular Markdown syntax (but, unlike JavaDoc , How to use @link and @code in kotlin kDoc. By following these best practices and utilising Dokka’s Dokka is an API documentation engine for Kotlin. Sealed classes and interfaces provide controlled inheritance of your class hierarchies. Please report it at kotl. I know the Kotlin API doc is generated using KDoc since the page source has the following HTML comment: <!-- Generated by kdoc on Sun Jul 06 The @param and other tags are not generated because the recommended documentation style for Kotlin is to refer to parameter names from the doc comment text using the [foo] syntax, rather than to document them using explicit @param tags. For example, it could be Documenting Kotlin Code. to Kotlin documenation (KDoc) 10. Kotlin version 1. That way the compiler verifies the code. dokka’ version ‘1. Guidelines for writing KDoc; Every parameter / property in a function / class should be documented; Consider using all available tags to add documentation for elements; Use for each API that represents a standalone feature, or advanced behavior for a feature; The IntelliJ IDEA KDoc Generator Plugin is a powerful tool for developers using JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA. I see that there is no equivalent to the JavaDoc @inheritDoc in Kotlin (ie. Kotlin のソースコード上に書いたドキュメンテーションコメントから生成された API ドキュメント We've got the kdoc documentation for the standard library (which is like javadoc but based on kotlin and allows markdown wiki syntax). plugins. use() function. A Kotlin source file is described as being in Google Android Style if and only if it adheres to the rules herein. So kdoc now lets you Seemingly, the warning about an unresolved reference is an issue with the IDE support for KDoc. Besides the various gradle tasks, I've also tried the simple operation of Android Studio itself to produce it. Featured on Meta bigbird and Dokka processes KDoc comments, which are similar to Javadoc comments but with features tailored for Kotlin. documentation; package; kotlin; kdoc; kotlin-dokka; Share. Gradle. g. Sealed classes and interfaces. android. Guidelines for writing KDoc; Every parameter / property in a function / class should be documented; Consider using all available tags to add documentation for elements; Use for each API that represents a standalone feature, or advanced behavior for a feature; Kotlin provides a set of functions to execute a block of code in the context of a given object: let, run, with, apply, Provide KDoc comments for all public members, except for overrides that do not require any new documentation (to Dokka¶. dependencies { classpath "org. Kotlin and especially KDoc encourage a different documentation style. 🚀 Document Kotlin code: KDoc. kotlin version that is used for building with gradle (1. 本质上, KDoc 结合了 Javadoc 和 Markdown, 它在块标签(block tag)使用 Javadoc 语法(但做了扩展, 以便支持 Kotlin 特有的概念), Markdown 则用来表示内联标 @Steve it is not a strange case, I just write codes by kotlin, and the codes will be used for both java and kotlin. The enumValues<T>() kotlin; intellij-idea; kdoc; or ask your own question. In the next few sections, you’ll see how to use KDoc and Dokka to ease the process of generating documentation for your Kotlin/Java/Android projects. Add a comment | 2 Answers Sorted by: Reset to default IntelliJ IDEA 2025. * kotlin; kotlin-dokka; kdoc; or ask your own question. Use inline code snippets in comments to showcase the usage of an API. How to document attributes in Kotlin data class? 1. // Is applied for the single-module dokkaHtml task only Kotlin Help. However, I cannot find any documentation on how to use it, let alone how to customize it or integrate it in Maven or Gradle. You can add support for your own KDoc tags or annotations, teach Dokka how to render different DSLs that are found in KDoc descriptions, visually redesign Dokka's pages to be seamlessly integrated into your company's website, integrate it with other tools and so much more. Get started with Dokka. Kotlin khiến việc phát triển phần mền Android trở nên thú vị hơn. All direct subclasses of a sealed class are known at compile time. With the plugin, we can automatically generate Kdocs like this: /** * Image view show image from url * The KDoc catalogs the complete KotlinPoet API, which is inspired by JavaPoet. See more about Dokka. Here is KDoc, a language for writing documents for Kotlin code !!! Similar to JavaDoc you the main format for KDoc is : starting with /** and end with */. kotlin; kdoc; or ask your own question. , marking it as italic or bold. 444. Dokka is an API documentation engine for Kotlin that performs the same function as the Javadoc tool for Java, but it's modern and highly pluggable. KDoc is not always present on a method that overrides a supertype method. In KDoc we can use tags, a tag General guidance from s. Install and spread the word :) What's New Version 1. It generates a Kotlin document if it is embedded using KDoc in the Kotlin file and generates Javadoc if commented using Javadoc comments. KDoc とは. It helps improve code readability and makes it easier for other developers to understand and use the code. 7. The enumEntries<T>() function returns a list of all enum entries for the given enum type T. Dokka is a tool to generate documentation based on the Javadoc or KDoc comments. Because almost of us use Kotlin, you can generate JavaDoc (KDoc) using plugins. Kotlin - Secondary constructor that differs by one argument. It can read Javadoc comments in Java code and KDoc comments in Kotlin code and generate documentation covering the entire API of a module, regardless of the language used to write each class in it. By combining Javadoc’s block tag syntax with Markdown’s inline markup approach, KDoc offers a concise and structured For inline markup, KDoc uses the regular Markdown syntax, extended to support a shorthand syntax for linking to other elements in the code. 2-4) 0. I hope you got an overview of Dokka. Introducing KDoc. 4. Kotlin’s equivalent is KDoc. Seamlessly integrated into IntelliJ, KDocify combines simplicity with powerful features, I have seen here, here and there references to KDoc, the JavaDoc utility equivalent for Kotlin. It understands standard Javadoc comments in Java files and KDoc comments in Kotlin files, and can generate documentation in multiple formats including standard Javadoc, HTML and Markdown. Then restart Android Studio. Document Kotlin code: KDoc. for generating KDoc for Kotlin files. suppressedFiles. Even the automatic code-converter keeps the old Javadoc. <identifier> is the full name of the sample function. jar file with my Kotlin multiplatform project? Multiplatform. How to convert a Kotlin source file to a Java source file. 545. 8. Automatic Gradle Groovy DSL dependency conversion. Generating the Documentation. gradle plugins { id ‘org. Make sure to apply the Kotlin Gradle Plugin or configure source sets manually. Dokka: include code samples into package documentation. The parameter names could detail the unit as well: (The option I am new to Kotlin and exploring among other things the KtDoc / Dokka generated documentation. How to add formatting such as bold, italic, underscore, etc. Improve this question. DataFrame thus uses the preprocessor in Gradle to copy and modify the source code, processing the KDoc notations, and publishing the modified files as the sources. This plugin is a powerful tool for generating KDoc for Kotlin files. Find any class/method, type /**, press Enter. Also including code directly inside comments soon gets stale and isn't refactoring safe. Kotlin のソースコード上に書いたドキュメンテーションコメントから生成された API ドキュメント(またその仕組みのこと) Kotlin 版 Javadoc; Javadoc と同じようなところもあれば、全然違うところもある; KDoc-er. 25. Yet, I could not find out how to highlight certain parts of the documentation, e. This plugin is very lightweight and efficient. This is available to Generate menu - Alt+insert Also, code format menu In Kotlin documentation (KDoc), is it possible to link to a specific overloaded method? 187. This function automatically closes the resource when the block of code completes, regardless of whether an exception is thrown, thereby eliminating the need for Working on a small library for Kotlin I wanted to do something similar and found the @sample tag in Kotlin’s API documentation syntax, KDoc. Note: In order to maximize portability, KotlinPoet generates code with explicit visibility modifiers. . KDoc supports standard markdown formatting, allowing developers to write richly Kotlin API version used for setting up analysis and samples. Kotlin's documentation engine, Dokka, includes only public declarations in its outputs by default. In this article, we will dive into the world of KDoc and will explore its basics, best practices and how the Dokka library can take documentation to the next level. This is an example: /** * Calculates the sum of two integers. 5k 4 4 gold badges 44 44 silver badges 58 58 bronze badges. As stated in this discussion:. You can check the Kotlin standard library documentation to see how this style is used. When looking at documentation for functions, its often very useful to see some example code of how to use an API. akgogz rqf soamsgk aibpe txbzp vev ppag jqzbziwpv qyh gfkz atciy rwxosc guaq coewv bmlx